Monday, November 1, 2010

Red-Light Cameras in Houston Yes, or No?

Election Day is here already, time to make decisions and demonstrate your civic engagement. All around the country people are expecting to make changes to their cities for the better. In one of the most populated cities in Texas, Houston, voters will be deciding whether to keep the red-light cameras in main intersections in Houston or not.

The proposition about the elimination of red-light cameras in Houston was proposed by the group “Citizens Against Red Light Cameras.” They claimed that the purpose of the red light camera program is to obtain money from drivers, and in addition, violates people’s right to privacy. They state that cameras don’t save lives instead it is just another way to give more traffic tickets. On the other side, the city of Houston argues that the program works and the fine of $75.00 is nothing compared to the $225.000 million that the region spends every year for damage, injuries and deaths from red-light wrecks. Many studies have showed a drop in collisions at intersections with cameras.

I have never driven in Houston because I think people don’t drive safely, but I do drive in Austin, because I feel safer. People need to drive to move around their city, because public transportation is inefficient compared to other states. Transportation collisions are a big issue in Texas. Houston is a heavily populated city the therefore problem is greater. I am in favor of keeping the red-light cameras in Houston because it will benefit the people of that city, and also contribute to reducing collisions, in addition people might feel safer driving. Red-light cameras work because it is logical. If people know that there is a camera by a light they will think twice to before running a red light because nobody wants to pay a traffic ticket. I believe that the program will help resolve the collisions caused by running red lights. I understand the arguments of the opposing group that is against the red-light camera program, but I think people prefer to be safe on the roads and a camera in an intersection will not interfere with their daily life. The other argument that they make that the program is another way that municipalities gain money, well everyone knows if you break laws there are consequences and one of these is paying a fine. I believe Texans want a safer roads and less crazy drivers running red lights. I support programs that punish irresponsible drivers that cause collisions because this can involve the death of innocent people.


  1. This post about red-light cameras in Houston Texas is written by Jhoana.
    The post shows that some citizens are protesting installation of red-light cameras saying that it violates their right to privacy.
    I agree with Jhoana's point on how dangerous driving in Houston is. Austin is technically not too far from Houston, but what a difference on the way people drive. Houston is one of the most dangerous cities in United States, and Austin one of the safest. Jhoana made a good point being in favor on keeping those red-light cameras, you have to follow the rules anyway, so a red-light camera shouldn’t be a problem. I would feel safer on the road if they were installed because the problem is not you driving but others and especially those who run red lights. Furthermore, those cameras can help some cases where there is a hit and run case. I also support this program and don’t see anything wrong on having those camera.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
